2000 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society
Director's College EAST

If you want to be a GREAT Director, without traveling to St. Joseph, Missouri,
Join US!

This year, the Director's College EAST (DCE) will focus on essential training for our front-line directors, assistant/associate directors, section leaders and aspiring directors. We will be utilizing existing courses from the existing Harmony College East (HCD) curricula and lumping them into a designated directors track that will be run concurrently with HCE. This training utilizes many of the same instructors from the Society operated Directors College and as such, will be of similar high quality. The trade-off is that this school is local and therefore somewhat more affordable and somewhat less intense in duration.

The Directors school will be held at the same time as Harmony College East at Salisbury Sate University in Salisbury, MD on June 14-17, 2012.

Click here for the Director College EAST Registration Form

Mid-Atlantic District will be offering a limited number of scholarships by random draw to the Harmony College/Director College EAST program. The support is a tuition-only grant to attend the school. Eligible applicants are assistant directors or aspiring directors wishing to help build a talent pool to take over future director vacancies.

It is expected the candidate will take director related courses from the following offerings.
  • vocal production
  • What do I do with this song
  • Song leading
  • Tune It or Die
  • Vocal techniques
  • Beginning directing
  • Intermediate/Advanced directing
  • RX for Directors…
  • Chorus Director Apprentice
Beginning or intermediate/advanced directing is strongly encouraged as a core course to meet your skill level. The courses are listed on the application form and explained in fuller detail on the form.

The application form should be completed and returned as indicated by the instructions within.

Directors College-East SCHOLARSHIP

Thanks to the generosity of the Mid-Atlantic District Endowment Fund, two full scholarships for students registering for Directors College-East are being offered this year. DCE is scheduled for June in Salisbury MD. Please note: The DCE curriculum has been modified to a considerable degree (more choices, more challenging range of options, etc), so I strongly urge every director in M-AD to consider attending.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE: The scholarships are limited to current front-line directors and active assistant directors. Consideration will also be shown to applicants who have not received a scholarship previously.

HOW TO APPLY: To apply, please send a one-paragraph email to that provides the following information. (Please be sure to type "DCE Scholarship (Your Name)" in the subject line.)
  1. Your chapter name
  2. All contact information (Director's Name, Home address, Phone numbers, and Email address)
  3. your title (e.g. Director or Assist. Dir.)
  4. length of time serving in that capacity, and
  5. a brief statement describing how your prospective DCE experience will benefit your chorus.

If you have any questions, please contact me:
DVP - Chorus Director Development