2018 District Quartet Champions
Questions? Ask MAD!
Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society
Endowment Funds

How can I help preserve barbershop harmony?

Harmony Foundation International (HFI) has led the philanthropic programs of the Barbershop Harmony Society since 1959. Funds raised through contributions support special Society projects, including Harmony University scholarships, youth outreach programs (including the Youth Chorus Contest at the midwinter convention), music camps and workshops, etc. The Foundation also manages several "restricted" endowment funds for Society districts and chapters. The Mid-Atlantic District Endowment Fund is one of these. The Endowment Fund was specifically established to preserve our musical legacy through support of vocal music education for all members of the District, our schools, and communities.

Gifts to the Mid-Atlantic District Endowment Fund are invested and managed by the Harmony Foundation. The principal of the endowment (consisting of gifts received) remain intact. Only the earnings are used for the Fund's intended purpose. In essence, gifts to the Fund "keep on giving" forever. To date, the Fund has provided scholarship support to frontline and potential chorus directors, music educators, and adult quartets to attend Harmony College East (HCE) and youth quartets (and their sponsor) to attend the youth camp, held at the same time and place.

Recent "Mid'l Antics" articles about HFI and the Mid-Atlantic District Endowment Fund may be reviewed in the following editions:
  • Spring 2017-1, pg. 13
  • Winter 2016-4, pg. 13
  • Summer 2016-2, pg. 44
  • Spring 2016-1, pg. 17

Miscellaneous includes contributions from DELASUSQUEHUDMAC, MADAQC, HODs, & other groups.
HFI Transfers are donations from those who exercised the "Donor Choice" option.

In addition to direct donations to the Fund, there are a number of other ways in which contributions may be made to Harmony Foundation, the Mid-Atlantic Endowment Fund, or both. For example, either or both may be named as a beneficiary in an existing life insurance policy, retirement program, will, or through established trust arrangements. Often, gifts are made in honor or in memory of an individual, a group, or a to recognize special occasions.

Those contributing to Harmony Foundation's President's Council (PC) or Ambassadors of Song (AOS) have the option of designating up to 30% of their gift to be returned to their chapter or district or (in combination) to both. This is referred to as "donor choice." Funds received by the Mid-Atlantic District from those exercising the "donor choice" option are deposited directly into the District's Endowment Fund.

It is the goal of the District to enroll as many members, friends, chapters, and quartets as Fund contributors as possible. Many have done so already (see accompanying information and graphs). Gifts of any amount are gratefully received and acknowledged.

The Barbershop Harmony Society is classified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable and educational organization. Accordingly, contributions to the Mid-Atlantic District Endowment Fund are deductible under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

Yes, there are many ways each of us can help preserve barbershop harmony for future generations. Contributions, payable to "Harmony Foundation/M-AD Endowment Fund," may be sent to me (as Chair of the M-AD Endowment Fund Committee) at the following address:

Alan Wile, Jr.
4825 Little Falls Rd
Arlington, VA 22207-2868
(h) 703-538-6526

For information on how to arrange for an 'end of life' (life insurance, will, or trust) gift to either the Harmony Foundation or the Mid-Atlantic District Endowment Fund, please contact Perry White, President and Chief Executive Officer, Harmony Foundation International, 110 Seventh Avenue North, Suite 200, Nashville, TN 37203; 866-706-8021 (toll free).

Together, Making the Music That's Making a Difference