2012 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Richard Higgins

Started singing Barbershop music in rural Northern Maine back in the early 1970's. Sung with the Presque Isle Chapter and also with the quartet The Maine Event. Retired from Civil Service in 1992 at age 48. I than started running my professional guide service full time. I have been a Master Licensed Professional Guide and Outfitter going on 45 + years now. In 1997 I retired to Southwest Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was than that I joined the SML Harmeneers Chapter J-110. I sing Bass and Lead. I have sung with three barbershop quartets. The Maine Event, Shoreline and recently The Waterfront Four. Recently I transferred my membership to Chapter J-115 The Virginia Gentlemen of Roanoke Virginia. Hope we get to sing sometime in the near future. In the mean time, keep the whole world singing... Cheers, Grizz

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