2005 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society

Person of Note
Hall of Honor

The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. has as it's vision to be "... an ever-growing fraternity of barbershop-style singers, leading the cause of encouraging vocal music in our schools and communities."

This page is dedicated to honoring the Mid Atlantic District Members who have truly stepped forward in their effort to introduce new people to membership in our hobby in order to serve that vision.

We thank each and every one and hope you return often to review the new names as they appear.

Chris Buechler (85)
Ev Nau (81)
Maury Trotman (70)
Jim Strong (60)
Jere Richardson (55)
Jim Bagby (45)
Russ Speicher (45)
Rich Taylor, II (37)
Orville Henschel (35)
Wayne Page (34)
Dale Thomas (34)
David Johnson (32)
John Tate (32)
Christian Hunter (30)
Glenn Williamson (30)
The General Paton, Jr. (28)
Derek Street (28)
Bill Biffle (26)
Frederick Conway (26)
Sam McFarland (26)
Arthur Dolt (25)
Gary Wulf (25)
Jack Anderson (24)
Ray Gape (24)
Freddie King (24)
Dick Bonsal (23)
Hank Calhoun (23)
Francis Frye (23)
John Zimmerman (23)
Jay Butterfield (22)
Justin Davis (22)
Joe Nutry (22)
Don Gray (21)
Manny Lopez (21)
Dave Bankard (20)
Gene Jackson (20)
Clyde Kreider (20)
John Nardontonia (20)
Walter Allen (19)
Steve Delehanty (19)
Dick Feindler (19)
Dale Wilhelm (19)
Dick Carpenter (18)
Bill Clark (18)
Don Dingee (18)
Bob Fogle (18)
Chad Guyton (18)
Wayne Jackson (18)
Hardman Jones (18)
Bob Peirano (18)
Marc Perez (18)
Fred Spages (18)
Scott Werner (18)
Winfield Winter (18)
Herm Zwick Jr (18)
Mike Broderick (17)
James Byrd (17)
Mike D'Andrea (17)
Charles DeAgazio (17)
Ken Dukes (17)
John Earnhardt (17)
Jonathan Friedman (17)
Larry George (17)
Earl Huff (17)
Jim Kew (17)
Henry Meyer (17)
Dom Nizza (17)
Vic Owen, Jr. (17)
Jack Carney (16)
Joe Devine (16)
Daniel George, Jr. (16)
Ken Halverson (16)
Tom Hutton (16)
Neil Keihm (16)
Virgil Kempton (16)
Charlie Lockwood (16)
Jonathan Riviere (16)
Bob Russell (16)
Wilbur Sparks (16)
Don Staffin (16)
White Wallenborn (16)
John Weber (16)
Chas Williams (16)
Emil Zeller (16)
Virg Albert (15)
Gene Anderson (15)
Larry Bullis (15)
Mike Calhoun (15)
Don Clause (15)
Charlie Davenport (15)
Samuel Heilman (15)
Kutch Mayers (15)
Bill Pinschmidt, Jr. (15)
Aaron Watts (15)
John Adams (14)
Raleigh Bloch (14)
Richard Cook (14)
Bob Ellison (14)
Mike Everard (14)
John Fischer, III (14)
Jeff Glemboski (14)
Sam Heilman (14)
Frank Hollenbeck (14)
Bill James (14)
Edward Kelly (14)
Roger Klinger (14)
Wesley Kriebel (14)
Joseph Massaro (14)
Tony Monsolino (14)
Don Myers (14)
Donald Reckenbeil (14)
Neil Rower (14)
Bernie Rubeling (14)
Bob Silberg (14)
Charles Snyder (14)
Mike Sobolewski (14)
Don Vienne (14)
Bob Wahl (14)
Thomas Wiener (14)
Rick Ashby (13)
Dave Bonnell (13)
Bruce Brower (13)
Phillip Brown (13)
Gene Crouse (13)
Sean Devine (13)
Jay Dougherty (13)
George Gay (13)
Joe Germerhausen (13)
Bill Kendig (13)
Joe Mannherz (13)
Stephen Marrin (13)
Gary Plaag (13)
Herman Rotsch (13)
Robert Rullo (13)
Robert Stalknecht (13)
Clarence Trotter (13)
Bob Wallace (13)
Jack Bellis Jr (12)
Bob Brown (12)
Jonathan Clunies (12)
John Cunningham (12)
John Davidson (12)
Glenn Davis (12)
Keith Eckhardt (12)
Thom Faircloth (12)
John Farrell (12)
Brian Giersch (12)
Sagan Harris (12)
Willem Hordijk (12)
Paul Huppert (12)
Ralph Jeffers (12)
Kevin King (12)
Rich Kobza (12)
Joe Lazar (12)
Bill Malstrom (12)
Paul Martin (12)
Palmer McGrew (12)
Harry Michael (12)
Shel Molter (12)
Neil Plum (12)
Larry Reagan (12)
Jim Rogers (12)
Tom Sterling (12)
Rich Thompson (12)
Bob Wachter (12)
Father Joe Witmer (12)
Clarence Becker (11)
Richard Bentz (11)
Guenter Bongard (11)
Doug Brown (11)
Syl Buszta (11)
Hal Cohen (11)
James Coulter (11)
Bill Ennis (11)
Mike Feyrer (11)
John Fisher (11)
Darryl Flinn (11)
Gordon Getz (11)
Jesse Harrison (11)
Howard Hildebrand (11)
Tracey Hunter (11)
Craig Johnston Jr (11)
Hal Kraft (11)
Jim Kraus, Jr. (11)
Alan Lamson (11)
Jack Lane (11)
Gary Lewis (11)
Joe Martin (11)
John Maybury (11)
Don Myers (11)
Bruce Neumann (11)
Andy Palmieri (11)
Ray Patsko (11)
Michael Patti (11)
Phil Rhoderick (11)
Gary Rogness (11)
Robert Smith (11)
Bunk Sneeringer (11)
Joe Stangl (11)
Phil Steel, Jr. (11)
Duane Stewart (11)
Dave Thompson (11)
Art Winkler (11)
Mark Axelrod (10)
Wally Bailey (10)
Ralph Baker (10)
Jim Beach (10)
Dick Blair (10)
Dick Bourbeau (10)
Bob Buechler (10)
Harris Carr (10)
Dwain Chambers (10)
Galen Claar (10)
Lou Conner (10)
John Cottingham (10)
Arthur De Blasio (10)
Hugh Devine (10)
Ernest Eaton (10)
William Edwards (10)
Dave George (10)
Jack Good (10)
Dick Gray (10)
Chuck Harner (10)
Dale Hoerner (10)
Newt Koenig (10)
William Kruse (10)
Russ Kulp (10)
Harry Leider (10)
Tad Magee (10)
Eric Mayer (10)
Howard Nicholas (10)
Roger Payne (10)
Jack Pitzer (10)
Philip Provenzano (10)
Myles Reynolds (10)
Chas Robertson (10)
Steve Salamin (10)
Bob Seay III (10)
Bob Seltzer (10)
Ken Sharp (10)
Lee Shepter (10)
Pete Smith (10)
Robert M.O. Sutton, Sr (10)
Herbert Van Note (10)
Bob Watson (10)
Dick Weaver (10)
Phil Wilderotter (10)
Chick Zeitz (10)