2015 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


The Mid-Atlantic District offers many excellent barbershop coaches for your Chapter or Quartet.

The music and performance coaches listed below have offered their services to quartets and choruses in the Mid-Atlantic District. The list is not exhaustive; there may be many highly qualified coaches whose names do not appear on the list, and reimbursement is not limited to those named here. Each group should consider its particular needs and interests in choosing coaches. The Coordinator of Musical Coaching may be able to make recommendations based on the experience of other quartets and choruses with various coaches.

Please see the Musical Assistance Service Program page for more information.


Ron Knickerbocker (info)
Rick Taylor (info)
Thomas Wiener
Richard Lewellen
Richard Gray, Jr
Mike Wallen (info)
Richie Lavene
Fred Womer (info)
Bill Colosimo
Debra Lynn
Larry Miller
Brett Thomas
Tony Colosimo
Tyler Horton (info)


Rick Taylor (info)
Dale Thomas
Thomas Wiener
Richard Gray, Jr
Mike Wallen (info)
Richie Lavene
Brett Thomas
Chas. Byram
Sean Devine


Steve Delehanty (info)
Rick Taylor (info)
Rafi Hasib
Mike Wallen (info)
Marty Israel (info)
Joe Cerutti
Adam Porter
Ben Hawker
Tyler Horton (info)


Ron Knickerbocker (info)
Rick Taylor (info)
Dale Thomas
Richard Lewellen
Joe Caprara
TJ Barranger
Herbert Miller, Jr
Rafi Hasib
Garry Warlow (info)
Bill Colosimo
Joe Cerutti
Sheryl Berlin (info)
Scott Disney
Larry Miller
Brett Thomas
Ben Hawker
Chas. Byram
Garry Warlow (info)
Sean Devine
Tyler Horton (info)

Click here for a Printable List

If you are interested in becoming a Coach and having your name added to the list above, please download a copy of the Coach Information Form, complete the form, and send it to Chuck Lower, whose information is listed on the form.