2016 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Harmony College EAST

Immerse Yourself in a Weekend of MAD Barbershop!

Jun 12-15, 2025
McDaniel College, Westminster, MD
Registration Cut-off Date: 6/5/2025

Often called 'The GREATEST weekend for barbershopping on the East Coast!', Harmony College East will again be held at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD. Tuition starts at $265, which includes a 3-night stay, 6 meals, all courses and two barbershop shows. This is one of the super benefits that the Mid-Atlantic District brings to its members and other barbershoppers.

HARMONY COLLEGE EAST 2025 COVID POLICY: Currently, neither the District nor McDaniel College require vaccinations or masks for registrants. Please be considerate if others ask you to wear a mask. Should conditions change, requiring a change in this policy, registrants will be notified.

McDaniel College is a wonderful venue with lots of areas of special interest to barbershoppers, including tag singing areas, social spaces, beautiful auditoriums, and even microwave/fridges in the living quarters.

We bring in the top vocal and performance coaches across the US and Canada, and provide classes and coaching for individual singers, quartets, choruses, and also all levels of music leadership.

The school starts on Thursday evening with a general session at 7:00 pm. Classes start at 8:00 pm. Quartets and choruses will get their coaching 'grids' when they check in at the school. The school supplies sheets, pillow, blanket, towel, and face cloth as part of the linen purchase. It is suggested, however, that you bring a drinking cup and bar of soap.

Don't miss our Thursday night opening session, including a terrific Keynote Address, and a selection of enjoyable classes. On Friday and Saturday evenings, we have some terrific activities of interest to all attendees!

Show up early to the show on Friday night at 7:00 and enjoy the MASS TAG SING and great ensemble performances.

Show up early to the show on Saturday night at 7:00 and enjoy a MASS SING, more great ensembles, and the HCE Chorus.

HCE Classes for 2025 are not available yet!

For questions about the HCE on-line registration process:


Sheryl Berlin - 301-792-2831
Bill Colosimo - 571-213-7376