2018 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society

Chapters & Choruses

Chapter: Alexandria, VA J-47
Meets on:Tuesday 6:30
Meeting Site:Alex Renew
Meeting Address:1800 Limerick St
Alexandria, VA 22314
   Google Map
Web Site: www.Harmonizers.org
Email: info@harmonizers.org

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Choruses / Groups
6th Row (Men)
Alexandria Harmonizers (Men)
Metro Voices (Women)

Chapter Officers
Musical Director: Joe Cerutti*
Secretary: Heidi Krukowski
Treasurer: Terry Reynolds
Board Member at Large: Dave Kohls
Board Member at Large: Turner Arndt
Board Member at Large: Cy Shuster
Board Member at Large: Mary Cooper
Board Member at Large: Charlyne Miller
Board Member at Large: Michael Berkson
Associate Director: Samantha Tramack*
Associate Director: Tony Colosimo*
HCE Champion: Alan Wile, Jr.*
Chapter Advocate: Ernie Doyle
(*=Manually Added)

Chapter Members
Jorge Acevedo-Gierbolini
Adam Afifi
Charles Allen
Brian Ammerman
Turner Arndt
Jeffrey Ashford
Phil Ashford
Martin Banks
Rob Barnovsky
Robert Bates
Scott Beach
Bede Bender
Thomas Berkey
Michael Berkson
Sheryl Berlin
Geoffrey Berman
Robert Blair
Thomas Bowman
David Breen
Samuel Brothers
Jacob Broude
Chris Buechler
Jeff Burkey
Jack Cameron
Tyler Carpenter
Timothy Cash
Joe Cerutti
William Chesser
Patricia Chow
Sophie Clarke
Tony Colosimo
Bill Colosimo
Bill Conway
Mary Cooper
Elisabeth Cosh
Will Cox
Gary Cregan
Clyde Crusenberry
David Cureton
Dick Dangel
Bill DePuy
Dave DesPortes
TJ Donahue !!
Bob Eckman
John Edison
  Randall Eliason
David Ermlick
Ike Evans
Carey Fagerstrom
Mikee Fasano
Frank Fedarko
Lance Fisher
Cadence Flaherty
Darryl Flinn
Peter Frank
Thomas Frederick
Drew Fuller
Gerry Fuller
Tom Gannon
Mike Geipel
Devin Gerzof
Mike Gilmore
Joel Golden
Tom Griffith
Paul Grimes
Stephen Gudauskas
Allen Hanenbaum
Don Harrington
Andrew Havens
Ernest Herold
Kellen Hertz
Troy Hillier
David Hillinck
Jeanne Hillinck
Chris Huber
Chuck Hunter
Ken Ives
John Jackson, III
Lenna Jawdat
Don Johnson, Jr.
Adele Jones
Brad Jones
Keith Jones
Scott Kahler
Matthew Kahn
Carl Kauffmann
Thomas Keeping
Mike Kelly
Sylvia Kelty
James Kirkland
  Lew Klinge
Mark Klostermeyer
Dave Kohls
Heidi Krukowski
Randy Lazear
Jason Lee
Reed Livergood
James Lucey
Louis Manfre
Maggie McAlexander
James McConnell
Sam McFarland
Charles McKeever
Kevin McKenzie !!
Kevin Mendez
Ashley Merryman
Ryan Mextorf
Charlyne Miller
James Miotto
Nick Murane
Steven Murane
Joshua Myers
Howard Nestlerode
Craig Odell
Mark Oswald
George Peacock
Nicholas Petersen
Jonah Philipp
Alexandra Pierce
Michael Pinto
Jack Pitzer
Ian Poulin
Charles Powell
Stanley Quick
David Reyno
Terry Reynolds
Robert Rhome
Dennis Ritchey
Robert Bruce Roehm
Joshua Roots
Chad Ross
Kenneth Rub
Dean Rust
  Zak Sandler
John Santora
Rick Savage
Calvin Schnure
Michael Schwartz
Mario Sengco
Adam Shepard
Frank Shipp
Andrew Smith
Dylan Smith
John Q Smith
Mick Stamps
C Eugene Swartz
John Taber
Antony Takahashi
Jeffrey Taylor
Rick Taylor
Robert Thames
Don Thompson
Merton Tramack
Samantha Tramack
Noah Van Gilder
William Vesilind
Richard Wagner
Joseph Wagovich
Larry Walker
Tessa Walker
Mike Wallen
Benjamin Watsky
Robert Wells
Dave Welter
Scott Werner
Johan Westberg
Doug White
Kenneth White
Steve White
Alan Wile, Jr.
Rebecca Williams
Robert Wilson
Father Joe Witmer
Cy Wood
Jordan Zimmerman
Kris Zinkievich
† indicates Hall of Honor member
◊ indicates Chapter Barbershopper of the Year
There are 178 total members affiliated with this chapter.
178 active, 0 inactive.
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Min=16, Max=92
Average=60.38, StndDeviation=1.53

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