2024 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society

Chapters & Choruses

Alexandria Harmonizers
Alexandria, VA

Founded in 1948, the Alexandria Harmonizers are one of the greatest men's choruses on the east coast, and specialize in one of a cappella's most challenging forms, four-part harmony. A non-profit with a focus on artistic excellence, community outreach, and musical education, the chorus strives to bring the passion of music to our audiences as well as inspire and shape future generations with the power of the singing art form. From humble beginnings as a 'men's harmony club', it has grown into a world-class chorus with 80 to 100 men on stage, numerous medals from international competition, and performances in Canada, China, France, and Germany. Venues at which we have performed include the White House, the U.S. Supreme Court, the Capitol, the Vietnam Memorial, Carnegie Hall, Notre Dame Cathedral de Chartres, the Cathedral of Koln, the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven Park, Disneyland, Constitution Hall, Independence Hall, the Lincoln Theater, Schlessinger Hall, Meyerhoff Hall, Wolf Trap National Park for the Performance Arts, the Kennedy Center, and the George Washington Masonic Memorial. The chorus is a member of several choral associations, including Chorus America, the Contemporary A Cappella Society of America, and the Barbershop Harmony Society.

The Harmonizers are pioneers in outreach beyond the Barbershop Harmony Society. In the a cappella world, they have their own contemporary a cappella group (TBD), perform regularly at aca-events such as SingStrong, provide judges to CARA (the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards), are a member group in the Contemporary A Cappella League, and sponsor their own annual contemporary competition, the Aca-Challenge. In the choral world, they belong to Chorus America and the Washington Area Music Association, and have performed collaboratively with local organizations like the Strathmore Arts Center, the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington, the Pride of Baltimore Chorus, and the Washington Men's Camerata.

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