2007 International Collegiate Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society

Chapters & Choruses

Chapter: Red Bank Area, NJ J-54
Meets on:Tuesday 7:30
Meeting Site:Red Bank Middle School
Meeting Address:101 Harding Road
Red Bank, NJ 07701
   Google Map
Web Site: redbankchorus.org
Email: jweythman@gmail.com

View the Calendar of Events for this Chapter.

Choruses / Groups
Chorus of the Atlantic (Men)
Matinee Idles (Mixed)

Chapter Officers
Musical Director: Craig Page
President: Terry Schmalzried
Immediate Past President: Andrew Ferreira
Vice President, Music and Performance: Frank Glaz
Vice President Marketing & PR: Allan Dean
Vice President, Program: Anthony Milillo
Secretary: Andrew Ferreira
Treasurer: Bruce Hanson
Board Member at Large: Andrew Judkis
Assistant Director: Kirk Thomson
Chapter Advocate: Kristina Folsom

Chapter Members
Thomas Cameron
John De Bruin
Allan Dean
Andrew Ferreira
Timothy Flanagan
Frank Glaz
Jonathan Greene
Bruce Hanson
Alan Hirst
John Huetz
Andrew Judkis
  Anthony Milillo
Craig Page
Thomas Page
Carleton Ryder
Terry Schmalzried
Trevor Silakowski
Michael Singer
Edward Smith
Glen Spaeth
Kirk Thomson
James Weythman
◊ indicates Chapter Barbershopper of the Year
There are 22 total members affiliated with this chapter.
22 active, 0 inactive.
Min=35, Max=96
Average=71.32, StndDeviation=0.55

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