2013 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Carl Snyder

Carl Snyder Sr. was the first to win Three Mid-Atlantic District Gold Medals as Quartet Lead, and Directed the York Chapter Chorus for more than 38 years.

From Dee Paris:
Sometimes it is a sad notice that brings back memories of past events. I once received a telephone call from a York Chapter member who was concerned the chapter was failing. I visited them and found the problem was the lack of a chorus director. I asked Carl but he was hesitant. I appealed to the members present and they expressed their admiration for Carl and willingness to support him as director. As Fred Stabley reports, it resulted in both a revival of the chapter but more than 28 years of dedicated service.

As one who proposed and served on the first MAD Hall of Honor Committee, I attempted to locate the founder of the York Chapter which had a huge membership and scores of quartets. I finally found a son living in Wisconsin and learned when the family lived in York to ascertain whether his Dad met the residence requirement for the Hall of Honor.
From Phil Street
When finished singing 4 years Barbershop harmony at the U. of MD in the fraternity contest (judged by the Columbians), did my military obligation and joined the Phila. Chapter in 1958, one of the first quartets I heard at Districts was the Yorkaires. I thought their matching top & bottom outfits were funny looking, but this went away when they started to sing.

They came across the footlights so smooth and relaxed, with that big, broad sound due to the lead's quality, well it was wonderful! And to think that one day I would be selected by that lead and later bass to sing with them, all I can say is 'mercy percy'! I was privileged to sing for 3 years with Carl, Jack and Paul, priding ourselves to making the best and richest sound possible. It was easy because of Carl, and of course Elaine. Always with us with that beautiful smile and pleasing personality.

We were fortunate in the Classics of having 4 wives that supported us in our endeavors, which went a long way to our success. If ever a man deserved to be in the MAD Hall of Honor, it's a man with 3 District Quartet Championships, many International Contests and Chorus Director for 38 years. It is Carl Snyder.

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