2016 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Cal Sexton

Cal Sexton, baritone of our 1990 MAD Champs, Broadway, died early Wednesday morning (October 3, 2018) after a very long and difficult battle with cancer. His wife Carolyn posted the following note on Face Book:

'So sad to share that Cal passed away peacefully this morning. He was my Hero, my best friend, such a sweet, quiet man and my soul mate for almost 48 years. He was so positive, so strong to the end. No more worries, no more pain ... only rest, my Darling! God bless all of you for your love & support during our cancer journey.'

In addition to his quartet Broadway,

Cal was a NED Quartet Champion with The Penthouse Four

1972 NED Quartet Champions
Donn Grady (Bs), Bob Royce (Br), Cal Sexton (L), and Bob Van Wart (T)

He also sang with Unchained Harmony, Ring of Gold, 7th Street, Crowning Touch, Over the Top, Y2K4, and The Harbortones. I am sure there were many more during his 66 years as a member of SPEBSQSA/BHS. We was a current member of the Lancaster Red Rose chapter and living in Ephrata, PA. Among his many contributions, he was an excellent quartet coach, chorus director, and role model.

We send our condolences to Carolyn and Cal's family, his friends throughout the Society, and to his many quartet pals over the years including Rick King and Jay Nickel. Please take a moment to think of Cal and maybe whisper a little tune under your breath. Rest in Harmony, our old friend.

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