2014 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Herbert Miller, Jr

View DELA Bio for Herbert
Bud has been singing Barbershop harmony since his junior year in high school. While at West Point, he formed a quartet, which performed with the Cadet Glee Club. While serving in Vietnam, he formed a quartet (for 4 months), The Armed Fources, made up of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine officers.

Bud has directed the Ridgewood, Philadelphia and Cherry Hill Chapters for a total of more than 25 years. As the Director of Philadelphia, he was instrumental in growing the Chapter from 19 to 45 men while achieving most improved chorus and competing at the district level. Because he was an asset to these choruses, Bud was awarded the BOTY in each of these chapters. Bud has coached the Atlantic City Chapter and made suggestions that have helped them to improve. He has coached several quartets and has, for several years, acted as a judge for the Cherry Hill intra chapter quartet contests. While singing with the Vocal Majority, Bud was on the BOD for 4 years, served as Program VP, Music VP and was the Lead Section Leader for 2 years. He won a 1985 international chorus gold medal, singing with the VM.

As a Director, he received his certification by attending classes at Harmony UniversityaswellasmanyclassesattheHarmonyCollegeEast. InCherryHill, Bud started the yearly invitation to local high schools to sing with the Cherry Hill Chapter during the holiday shows. He was also instrumental in inviting local men to sing several songs with the Cherry Hill Chapter during their holiday shows (several of those men are now Barbershoppers).

Bud currently sings with The Brothers in Harmony where he the Music Vice President. On several occasions, he has warmed up and directed the chorus when the two directors were not available. Bud has been the chairman for the Brothers contest committee when they hosted a District Prelim contest as well as a division and district contest. His coordination with the district personnel and leadership of the men of the Brothers, helped to make for a smooth flow of these competitions. Bud also serves on the chapter's BOD.

Bud has sung in several quartets. The Razor's Edge won the competition to sing the BIC Shaver commercials in the early 1980's. Bud's current quartet, Special Occasion, won the District Seniors Championship in 2007. For the past 20 years, they have been advocates for the Barbershop Society and frequently sing for schools, nursing homes, holiday events and chapter shows.

Bud was awarded the Cherry Hill Chapter’s Barbershopper Of The Year for 2022. Bud also is very active in his church, singing Tenor in the choir and directing The Grace Notes, an octet made up of SATB voices who sing (mostly a cappella music) on the second Sunday of every month. Bud is also the Chairman of the Worship and Music Committee and a member of the Presbyterian Church's Session, the governing body.

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