2013 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


James (Jim) Klapp

Jim was a former member of the Bowie Knights of Harmony. The Thursday, 29 June 2017, edition of The Bowie Blade-News carried news of his passing on June 24th at age 86 after a long illness.

He was an Air Force veteran and met his wife, Jean, while stationed in England. He had a 30+ year civilian career with the General Accounting Office.

Jim was also a consummate performer, singer, and actor performing many acted roles in the Knights of Harmony shows and many community theater groups, competing as a quartet member, and as a valued tenor in both choruses.

A memorial gathering was held Friday, June 30th 1-2 pm at Beall Funeral Home, 6512 NW Crain Hwy (southbound Rt 3 from Rt 450), Bowie, MD followed by a Service at 2 pm.

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