2005 District Collegiate Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Thomas Jackson

Grew up in Pasadena, MD and attended a church where John Treff (longtime Dundalk, MD member) sang in the choir. Finally talked me into going to a show, saw the Chiefs of Staff perform, and was instantly hooked. Started going to chapter meetings with John in 1992. Started a high school quartet named Harmonic Revival which placed 1st in the local contest and 2nd in the MAD High School Quartet contest. Because it was a rule you couldn't be a member of BHS and compete in the high school contest, didn't join BHS until I was a senior and on my way to college in 1996. First joined the Patapsco Valley, MD chapter because my good friend Ryan Griffith (tenor of Da Capo) was a member there.

Moved to Fort Worth, Texas to attend Texas Christian University (GO FROGS!!!) where I earned a Bachelor's degree in Music Education and a Master's in Choral Conducting. Joined the Dallas Metro chapter, the Vocal Majority, in 1996, passing my audition on the first attempt. Over the course of the next two decades (1996-2015), earned 5 gold and 2 silver medals with them. Was at various times; bass section leader, baritone section leader, warmup guy, member of the Performance Team.

In 2001, VM pal Phil McShan (son of Guy, baritone of '76 champs the Innsiders) asked me to come over and help him out with the struggling Fort Worth chapter (Phil was director). Was instantly vocal coach, warmup guy, lead section leader, Music Team member, and then Assistant Director. In 2005, helped Phil lead the chorus to International in Salt Lake City, placing 17th. After SLC, Phil stepped down and I was named Artistic Director. Laid out of competition in 2006, but in both 2007 and 2008 led the chorus to International again, placing 23rd in '07 and 18th in '08. Gave up directing the chorus in 2012 because of a job change.

Various quartets while in Texas, singing bass, lead, and baritone. Numerous Division, District, and Prelims contests. Sang with Brian Beck as my bass for a time. In 2009, The William Kratt Chord Company went to International, placing near the bottom. In 2010, switching basses, we changed our name to Third Shift and won the SWD quartet contest. Quartet broke up in 2012.

While in SWD, coached many quartets and choruses of all ability levels. Coached singing (my category if I ever became a judge) at the SWD Top Gun school. Taught classes and coached at the SWD Harmony Ranch (their equivalent of Harmony University).

After returning to Maryland in April, 2015 joined the Alexandria Harmonizers. Was instantly named bass section co-leader and pitch pipe guy. Received chapter's New Note of the Year Award for 'outstanding service in his first year' for 2015. Music Team member, warmup guy, etc. Went to International with them in 2016.

In late 2015, joined the newly formed Baltimore Vocal Corps (part of Dundalk, MD). Went with 16 guys and won the Central Division chorus contest in May, 2016. Vocal coach for them. Went to MAD chorus contest in September, 2016, and in spite of the uptune falling apart in a few places, we averaged 77.1% and placed fifth.

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