2018 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society



1972 Mid-Atlantic District Champions

In 1967 tenor Harry Williamson and bass Hal Kauffman got together with lead Roy Eckert and bari Ron Lenox to form The Regents. They hadn't been singing very long when a job change forced a change at bari. Ron was replaced by Irv Sutton. The quartet clicked right away and, in fact, got to compete as alternates in the 1968 International Contest.

In the summer of 1970 The Regents re-formed with Ron Knickerbocker on lead and Dave Reed on bari, along with Harry and Hal. This foursome competed in the 1971 International Contest in New Orleans and finished 31st. In the same contest another MAD quartet-- The Exclusives, with Joe Mazzone on lead-- finished 27th. Neither quartet was particularly pleased with their finish, so there was some shuffling of singers, resulting in the next version of The Regents; Harry Williamson on tenor, Joe Mazzone on lead, Ron Knickerbocker on bari, and Hal Kauffman on bass. They won the MAD District Contest in the fall of 1971 (1972 Champs).

At the 1972 International Contest, the quartet finished in the medals, jumping from 9th place to third in the final round. They repeated their third place finish at the 1973 International Contest (they even had the highest score in the final round), then won the International Quartet Championship in 1974 by a whopping 439 points. This margin of victory still stands as the widest in the Society’s history. Tenor Ralph Childs joined the quartet in 1976 for their final year.

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