2018 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society



Don MacFarlane, Joe D'Erico, Tom Magarro, Pat DeNegri

The Yankees began competing in the late 1950's and discovered that the judges were a bit rough in those days. After one of our early competitions, one of the judges asked if our bass had a physical handicap. It seems that he stuck his left arm out in a stage-presence gesture and didn't retrieve it for two entire songs. After that we worked on our stage presence and before long, his handicap was gone, and stage presence became our best category!

Our first coach was Gene Loebs, tenor with the champion quartet, Playtonics. By the 1962 District convention in Washington, DC, the Yankees started finding some popularity, and, amongst stiff competition, made it into the top 5!

Before we won in 1963, we had attended the international contests in Kansas city and Toronto, where we placed 30th and 15th respectively.

In October of 1963, we won the District contest in Atlantic City, NJ.

From then on, we had performances from New York to California, and Maine to Texas, but we held on to our day jobs. After considerable 'globe-trotting' and having the time of our lives, we began to experience some changes. Little Joe had problems and moved to Florida. Scotty Ward, former baritone with the famous Buffalo Bills became our new lead.

After a quick vote, we changed our name to The Music Men and moved up to the Big Time, Radio City Music Hall, The Plaza Hotel, Playclubs and others.

Twenty five years later, we went to Florida for a Yankee reunion with Little Joe. We walked into his home, Don blew a B-flat, and we began singing without missing a beat, just as if we never split up. ( Well, maybe we were a little rusty. )

Currently, Joe D'Erico is singing with the 'big chorus in the sky'. Tom Magarro lives in Naples, Fl., and Don MacFarlane and Pat DeNegri are in South Jersey singing with the Atlantic City Boardwalk Chorus.

Enjoy this wonderful hobby of ours and keep the whole world singing.

God Bless America

Complete list of Bios