2019 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society



Exciting, enthusiastic, and always entertaining, Reveille qualified for the SPEBSQSA International barbershop competition in its very first year, and in October 2001 won the Mid-Atlantic District quartet championship. A versatile quartet, it commands a repertoire remarkable in its variety, ranging from traditional ballads, to original comedy, to Sinatra, to contemporary swing, and featuring hot charts from a variety of top arrangers. All four members are also active leaders in the top-ranked Big Apple Chorus of New York City and in the Twin Shores Chorus of Long Island, NY.

Roger Payne, Tenor – Immediate Past Music Category Specialist for the International SPEBSQSA barbershop organization, and Associate Director of the Big Apple Chorus, Roger is also a talented arranger. He is the former tenor and arranger for International Finalist quartet Four Under Par and Variety Pak, and former Musical Director of Brooklyn's Amazing Kings Chorus. In his spare time, Roger works as reporter for The Tablet.

John Ward, Lead- A Singing Judge candidate, John is a four-time District Quartet Champion and a veteran of the Scarborough Dukes Chorus during their heyday. He serves as the Big Apple Chorus Lead Section Leader and as Associate Director of the Twin Shores Chorus. Johns works as a bone-cracker (the more legitimate kind – a chiropractor). John’s practice is located in midtown Manhattan.

Mark Paul, Bass- Bass Section Leader for vocal production at the Big Apple Chorus and a vocal coach for the Twin Shores Chorus, Amazing Kings Chorus, and for individuals and quartets, Mark avidly pursues advanced vocal training himself. He is a former Bass Section Leader and Music Vice President of the renowned West Towns Chorus in Lombard Illinois. When he's not singing, Mark works as a Project Manager.

Joe Hunter, Baritone- A certified Presentation Judge and a nationally certified chorus director trainer, Joe serves as Musical Director of the Big Apple Chorus. He is also Musical Director of the Twin Shores Chorus, which under his musical guidance has climbed steadily through the Mid-Atlantic District ranks for the last six years. In the real world, Joe is a Vice President of software development for Chase Manhattan Bank.

Complete list of Bios