2010 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


The Bay Rum Runners

The Bay Rum Runners

Riding the wave  . . .  just “hanging four”




Ø                  Got together for a beer in May 1993 ... registered in September 1993 ... best-of-friends ever since.

Ø                  2nd Place, MAD competition (October 1994).

Ø                  1996 Mid-Atlantic District Quartet Champions (October 1995).

Ø                  Seven-time International competitor, four-time Top-20 finish placing as high as 13th (Miami, 1995); closed out their career placing 17th (Nashville, 2001).



Ø                  “On the Beach ... in Acappella” ; Produced by TBRR, 1996.

Ø                  Recording of “All on Account of Your Kisses, I’m No Account Anymore” (Arr: John Hohl) was nominated for Primarily A Capella’s best recorded barbershop song in 1997.

Ø                  “Afterglow: Barbershop After Dark”; produced by Mainely A Cappella, 2001; featured TBRR singing “Jamaica Farewell.”


Notable Performances:

Ø                  Dundalk Boat Ride (2002).

Ø                  Annie Glenn’s (Senator/Astronaut John’s wife) Surprise 80th Birthday Party, Potomac, MD.  Sang a “My Wild Irish Rose” with Senator Glenn.

Ø                  95th Year Anniversary Gala of the University Club (Washington, DC) with the “Supremes” (Chief Justice Rehnquist and Justice Scalia).

Ø                  Karen and Richard Carpenter Performing Arts Center with the Alexandria Harmonizers, Long Beach State University, CA.

Ø                  Smithsonian Institute, American History Museum - Induction of Barbaside products to the museum.

Ø                  French Embassy, Washington, DC.

Ø                  Summer Concert Series at the Methodist Camp Grounds, Ocean Grove, NJ.

Ø                  New Jersey Blueberry Festival.

Ø                  Many chapter shows and venues from Florida to New England and west to Minnesota and California.


Quartet Members:

Ø                  Ed Cazenas (tenor)

Also sang with Vaudeville (1987-1991 International Finalists), Coast to Coast, and Key Bridge.  Member of the Alexandria Harmonizers Chorus and Front Row, wearing 2 gold medals.


Ø                  Lynn Conaway (lead)

Also sang with the Bingo Brothers (1992 International Finalists), Tradewinds (1989 MAD Quartet Champs), and the Coasters.  Member of the Lancaster Red Rose Chorus.


Ø                  Steve White (bass)

Also sang with Copyright ‘86 (1988 MAD Quartet Champs and 13th Place International Semifinalists), Capitol Chord Authority, Great A&P Chord Company, and Sunshine Sound.  Active member of the Alexandria Harmonizers Chorus and Front Row, wearing all 4 gold medals.  Member of DELASUSQUEHUDMAC.


Ø                  Barry Galloway (bari)

Also sang with Alexandria’s Ragtime Band (after they won the MAD championship), Four Star Edition, and Murphy’s Law.  Member of the Alexandria Harmonizers Chorus and Front Row, wearing 2 gold medals.

Farewell Letter:


What makes a successful quartet? The guys in The Bay Rum Runners had done it many different ways in more than a dozen different combinations, but decided this time to try something a little different. From the very beginning, in the summer of 1993 to their retirement in the fall of 2001, they have made a point to be a “hard playing - fun working” quartet ... and most importantly, best of friends “Friends to the End” as one of their songs proclaims. Did it show? You bet! Every time we saw them they were celebrating in their harmonies, enjoying their audiences, and reveling in their friendships. There may not be a perfect formula for successful quartetting, but The Bay Rum Runners sure found a wave that they could ride all the way to shore ... and they carried us along with them.

The Bay Rum Runners (Lancaster Red Rose and Alexandria Harmonizers chapters) gathered together in May that first year for a family cookout and party. The goal was not to hear how well they sounded together (they barely sang a note that afternoon). No, they first wanted to find out how well they played together. Indeed the did both; sang and played very well together, and always with a “lower latitude attitude” and the motto – “make it fun, the rest will come."


Their first year started out with great success and hope for the future. In March 1994, they qualified to represent the Mid-Atlantic District at the International Competition in Pittsburgh where they finished 24th. That fall, they placed 2nd in the MAD quartet competition. They qualified for the 1995 International Competition, this time in Miami, where they earned their highest ranking, 13th place. In fact, they competed a total of seven times at the international level, placing three times in the Top-20 and never beyond 24th place. In October 1995, they captured the 1996 Mid-Atlantic District Quartet Championship in Ocean City, MD. In Nashville this past summer, they closed out their competition career with a flair by finishing again in the Top-20, placing 17th.

Complete list of Bios