2006 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Da Capo

Da Capo is an a cappella quartet hailing from the Washington, D.C. area comprised of music professionals from varying walks of life. Among our ranks you will find music educators, a digital forensic engineer, and even a farmer. We believe strongly in promoting a cappella music and educating youth about the Barbershop style. We have also been members of the Barbershop Harmony Society for a combined total of more than 57 years! Ryan, Tony, Wayne, and Joe have officially been singing together since October of 2009, when our lead singer Tony asked us to help him sing his marriage proposal to his wife-to-be. Since sharing in this blessed day, we have grown closer as friends and share many memories that we will cherish for the remainder of our lives. We have all sung together in some fashion in past quartets, but never all at the same time. This configuration has been ‘tagging’ together at District events for many years. After we formed for Anthony’s proposal, we figured "Hey, this sounds decent. We should sing together, right?" Da Capo literally means “from the head” or “from the beginning.” For us, the meaning is two-fold. We are four relatively young guys who are starting fresh, developing our identity as we mature as a quartet. The second meaning aligns more with our goal of keeping barbershop, well… barbershop. While we enjoy a diverse repertoire to appeal to our audience, we strive to include a healthy dose of good old barbershop to let people know that it is "okay to sing a Harmonic Seventh and like it!

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