2019 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society



(some facts and dates are approximations)

Formed in 1962 in Liverpool, England, this foursome has not only changed the face of popular music, but they are social and cultural revolutionaries. With backgrounds in emerging technologies, medical facilities, government subsidies, and selling band uniforms, the men of Mayhem are an eclectic but sophisticated blend of musical talent.

The Lead singer of Mayhem, Neil ’Pookie’ Dingle is well known in the Barbershop Harmony Society by his charm, warm smile, pleasant demeanor, and auburn complexion. Someday, Pookie hopes to be known for his singing. Pookie started singing at a very young age and has been a fixture on the quartet contest stages of the Mid-Atlantic District for 15 years. He also directs the Ocean County Oceanaires and sings with the Hells Kitchen Chorus.

Singing Tenor, Young Matt Fellows is no stranger to barbershop. Despite his relative youth, he is already an acclaimed barbershop singer having won a silver medal at the International Collegiate Quartet Contest. Young Matt is also a medical doctor with a firm grasp on the physiology of making music. He has developed a method of grabbing Pookie by the throat in such a way that it significantly improves Pookie’s memory of his notes and words.

Mayhem’s Bass singer, Ken White was also introduced to barbershop in his boyhood. Unfortunately, due to societal pressures, he hid his feelings for barbershop. Sure, he tried it once in college, but it wasn’t until he found the front row of the Alexandria Harmonizers that he felt free to express his passion.

Finally, the only Mayhem member who started singing barbershop post-pubescently, is Baritone singer Mike Pinto. Mike is a two-time Mid-Atlantic District quartet champion baritone (or so he keeps telling us). Mike is proud of his achievements and happy that he has been able to sing with so many talented people. He frequently tells us that his favorite bass to sing with was Al Mazzone in Ringers; his favorite lead was Chip Hoiler in Inferno; and his favorite tenor was Eddie Cazenas in Phat Cats. We sure do like having Mike around.

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