1999 District Quartet Champions
Questions? Ask MAD!
Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Late Entry

Late Entry is a Philadelphia-based a cappella quartet, with Kelly Green as lead, Rich Matusewicz as bass, Jeff Porter as baritone, and Tom Walker as tenor. With roots in the barbershop tradition, Late Entry has an ever growing repertoire spanning several decades . . . from barbershop “chestnuts”, through swing, rock-and-roll, doo-wop, folk music, hymns, and gospel. Having stage experience in front of audiences both large and small, we are available for any occasion where a live, no-hassle musical performance would provide a pleasant interlude to your affair. Or we can put together a full-length show to fit your needs. Who knows, we might even evoke a warm and fuzzy memory or two! So whether it’s a special luncheon, birthday or anniversary party, or a performance for your church or organization, call Rich at (267) 481-5183, or drop us an e-mail at Late.Entry.Quartet@gmail.com. We’ll be happy to create a program just for you and your affair. Don’t forget to visit our website/Facebook page at www.LateEntryQuartet.com to see and hear a sample.

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