2024 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Faces 4 Radio

Organized in Spring 2012, Faces 4 Radio combine over 150 years of vocal experience in a cappella, barbershop, classical, doo wop, music theatre, sacred, and mixed choral music. They represent chapters in Bryn-Mawr, Harrisburg, Reading, PA and Hamilton, NJ.

In their short time together, they have been very busy on the show circuit and in the competition arena, and this past January in Long Beach, CA., were named the 2014 BHS International Senior Quartet Champions.

Like most competitors, F4R have been influenced by many great quartets however, there is one ensemble that we would like to acknowledge and share a special thank you with; Connie, Debbie, Judie, and Terri. Our wives share in this hobby with us in many ways, and we appreciate and love them for it.

Coming from a large district, we have been very fortunate to be exposed to great coaching opportunities including Harmony College East and the M-AD Top Gun coaching retreat. A special thank you to Sean Devine and Ron Knickerbocker who have shared their talent and time with us at both the Orlando and Long Beach conventions, and finally to our primary coaching team at home; Rick Serpico, Ritchie Lavene, and Dr. Jay Butterfield.

We hope to see you at a future convention or chapter show. For more information about this foursome, visit us on our face book site at Faces 4 Radio, or on our web site at www.faces4radioquartet.com.

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