1986 International Chorus Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Handsome Reward

After performing together in a local production of "The Music Man", Mike Edison (lead) and Mike Gilmore (bass), decided to continue singing together and to form a new quartet. In Jan 2012, the two Mikes were joined by baritone, Vince Lynch, and tenor, Mario Sengco. After a few very promising sessions, the foursome decided to join forces and officially registered in March 2012. In just a short period of time, the quartet has made great strides, culminating in a good showing at the 2012 Southern Division contest in Roanoke, VA, scoring a laudable 64.9 in its first public performance and plenty of good comments from judges and the audience. Handsome Reward continues to make progress. As they build their repertoire and performance credentials, they enjoy singing together and entertaining members of their chapters. They represent the following chapters: Alexandria, Anne Arundel, Germantown and District of Columbia.

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