2004 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


One Night Only

One Night Only was formed just a few short months ago by members of the Keystone Capital Chorus. Our name says it all! We came together to sing on the KCC show in April of 2017 for just that 'one night only'. However, we loved the sound so much we decided to stay together. So if you’re looking for a quartet for your next event, see our contact page for more information.

Our lead, Larry Asu, is from Malaysia and is here working as a training developer for the Hershey Food Company. Larry has only been singing barbershop for a short time, but you’ll see he loves to sing..

Our tenor, Sean Gallagher, is a Computer Education teacher for the Cumberland Valley School District. Sean is another fairly “new” barbershopper, however, he did sing some barbershop in high school.

Our bass, Ken Kuntz, is a Parts Specialist at Kenworth of PA and is the associate director of the Keystone Capital Chorus. Ken has a long history with the chorus and was previously its director.

Our baritone, Bob Bennett, a Purchasing Agent at Service Supply Corp, is the current director of the Keystone Capital Chorus. Bob has sung in many quartets over the years but this is his most recent.

Complete list of Bios