2018 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


2HOT2HANDLE! (updated by Scott Zumbrum)
2nd Amendment (updated by Robert Fogle Jr.)
4 Ever Young (updated by John Celani)
Alexandria's Ragtime Band
Backswing (updated by Mark Butala)
Bazinga (updated by Steve Skolnick)
Bingo Brothers
Break From Blue Collar (updated by Shaun Ressler)
Brothers In Arms (updated by James Isley)
Brown Eyed Girls
Buskers (updated by Tom Norin)
Capital City Close Harmony Club
Cohesion (updated by H. Charles Ross)
Continental Four
Copyright '86 (updated by Bill Colosimo)
Cross Keys Connection (updated by Tim Grell)
Curtain Call
Da Capo (updated by Wayne Adams, II)
Dominion 4 (updated by Bob Rodriguez Jr.)
Electric Chords (updated by Allan Dean)
Escapade (updated by Ig Jakovac)
Even Money (updated by John Markel)
Faces 4 Radio (updated by Mark Sanders)
Fifth Edition
Flash Point (updated by Tyler Horton)
For the Times (updated by Dylan Lupo)
Forecast (updated by Mike Fitch)
Four Tune Hunters (updated by David Mindel)
Free Trade Agreement
Friends of Yesterday (updated by Richard Bentz)
Gimme Four (updated by Paul Franek)
Glen Echoes (updated by Richard Cook)
Handsome Reward (updated by Mario Sengco)
High Side (updated by Jim Sherman)
Keystone Congregation
Late Entry (updated by Jeff Porter)
LoCo 4
Luck of the Draw (updated by Scott Zumbrum)
Madhattan (updated by Spencer Wight)
Main Street Four
Men Over Chord
NOVA Chords (updated by Steve White)
Oasis (updated by Andrew Gensey, Jr)
On Tap (updated by Matt Saucier)
One Night Only
Oriole Four
Pratt Street Power (updated by Ben Hawker)
Praxis (updated by Lance Fisher)
Premiere (updated by Fred Womer)
RiverLine (updated by Steven Zellers)
Round Midnight (updated by Anthony Carollo)
Secret Best Friends (updated by James Pennington)
Sfourzando (updated by Ben Hawker)
Sound Revival
Sussex Counts
The Bay Rum Runners
The Society of Fellows (updated by Michael Spalthoff)
Tight Chorders (updated by Benjamin Sherman)
Time Frame
Top Shelf (updated by Andrew Havens)
Tradition (updated by Tyler Horton)
Up All Night (updated by Joe Hunter)


Wayne Adams, II
Bob Austin
Stefano Aversano
Ronald Baker
Al Baker
James Bazewicz
Pete Bermel
Steve Biro
Bob Bohn
Lamar Bortner
Jim Botelle
Doug Brown
Greg Brown
Jane Brown
Barry Brown
Anne Bureau
Ed Burket
Chas. Byram
Bob Caldwell
Tim Casler
Joe Cerutti
Michael Challman
Bill Clark
Erik Contzius
Bill Cullen
Bill Curtis
Tommy Dames
Bo Deibel
Diz Disney
Paul Douglass, II
Ron Doyle
Paul Durning, Jr
Bill Eberius
Bob Eckman
Darryl Engler
Tom Ewald
Mike Fitch
Rob France, Jr.
Walter Fuhrmann
Dick Hall
Chuck Harner
Rafi Hasib
Richard Higgins
John Hohl
Thomas Jackson
Gene Jackson
Ig Jakovac
Keith Jones
Ray Kahler
Neil Keihm
Freddie King
Frank Kirschner
Jim Klapp
Jonah Levinson
Brian Lindvall
Dylan Lupo
Stacey Lynch
Braden Lynk
Ed Mastascusa
Art Maynard
Bob Meenan
Herbert Miller, Jr
Dave Mittelstadt
Michael O'Brien
Bill OConnell
John Osborn
Ray Patsko
Frazier Pitman
Gary Plaag
Neil Plum
Jeff Porter
George Rau
Larry Reagan
Phil Rhoderick
Nelson Robin
Bob Rodriguez Jr.
Kirk Roose
Mark Sanders
Matt Saucier
Anthony Scardillo
Robert Schellhamer
Terry Scullin
Cal Sexton
Sunny Shook, Jr.
Lew Sims
Steve Skolnick
Ben Smith
Carl Snyder
Jay Spangenburg
Joe Stangl
Patrick Stapleton
Wayne Steele
Burt Stueve
Rich Taylor, II
Stan Thomas
Dick Webber
Bob Welzenbach
Steve White
Al Wilcox
Forrest Williams
Fred Womer
Cy Wood


Fairfax, VA (updated by Cliff Shoemaker)
Alexandria Harmonizers - Alexandria, VA
Catoctones - Frederick, MD (updated by Charles Boteler)
Harmony Express - Germantown, MD (updated by Kuriacose Joseph)
High Point Harmonizers - Sussex County, NJ (updated by Fab Morejon)
Hunterdon Harmonizers - Hunterdon County, NJ (updated by Christian Hunter)
Long Island Sound - Five Towns College, NY (updated by Douglas Carnes)
Morris Music Men - Morris County, NJ
Parkside Harmony - Hershey, PA (updated by Sean Devine)
Singing Cedar Chorus - Lebanon, PA (updated by Jody Appleby)
Sons of the Severn - Anne Arundel, MD (updated by Dave Bankard)
The North Pennsmen - Lansdale, PA (updated by Ig Jakovac)
Virginia Gentlemen - Roanoke Valley, VA (updated by Jordan Truesdell)
Voices of Gotham - Hell's Kitchen, NY (updated by Braden Lynk)