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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society
Chapters & Choruses
Fairfax, VA
Under the direction of Richard Lewellen, the Fairfax Jubil-Aires were chartered November 30, 1953, and they have been a positive force in the community ever since. Each year, in addition to their annual show and their Singing Valentines, the Jubil-Aires chorus and quartets perform throughout the area at senior living facilities, high schools, parades, parks, sporting events, banquets cable TV, conventions, and other social events.
During the pandemic, the Jubil-Aires met every Wednesday evening starting April 1, 2020 on Zoom. During the pandemic, the chorus produced 11 virtual songs that are posted on their YouTube channel. After meeting in their cars for some Carbershop Carmony, they returned to in-person rehearsals in 2021.
The Jubil-Aires are now meeting at 7:00 pm each Wednesday at King of Kings Lutheran Church, 4025 Kings Way, Fairfax, VA 22033. Director Richard Lewellen is a dynamic and innovative barbershopper and leader, whose quartet, Riptide, graced the stage with the Jubil-Aires at the 1600 -seat theater in Capital One Hall in Tysons Corner, VA and recently won a gold medal at the 2025 Worldwide Barbershop Quartet Association’s quartet contest in San Antonio.
If you enjoy singing, whether or not you have any musical training, this group may be right for you. Visitors are encouraged and always welcomed, whether they come to sing or just to enjoy listening to a musical style that has pleased people for over a hundred years.
The Jubil-Aires are a mixed chorus, and we welcome all genders who love to sing. The Jubil-Aires are more than just an a cappella chorus. We are a family, dedicated to great singing and the wonderful fellowship that comes with it. Wives, husbands, and sweethearts are actively involved in this family, and we are especially proud of the support we receive from our Jubil-Ladies and Lads. Our goal is to provide Fun, Fellowship and a Sense of Accomplishment as we constantly learn new songs that are aimed to please our audiences. If you and your family are looking for an extended family and the chance to sing, JOIN US!
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