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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society
Chorus Listing
Country Gentlemen
(Men / Low Voices)
Bucks County, PA
Central Division
No Officers for this Chorus
Chorus Members
Alfred Abel
Daren Bratis
Ronald Bratis
Patrick Casey
Michael Challman
Erik Fleischer
Rob France, Jr.
Andrew Gensey, Jr
Steven Gold
Tim Grell
Robert Gualtieri
Andrew Gurwood
David Ives
Richard Kern
Richie Lavene
Chuck Lower
Paul Mangan
David Mindel
Les Moyer
Hugh Pepper
James Plastaras
Donald Rider
Tom Rodda
Nicholas Scull
Robert Sklans
Frank Thomas, Jr.
Ross Trube
Pat Walsh
There are 28 total members affiliated with this chorus.