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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society
Chorus Listing
Harmony Heritage Singers
(Men / Low Voices)
Mt. Vernon, VA
Southern Division
No Officers for this Chorus
Chorus Members
Anthony Bauer
Robert Blair
Robert Boucher
Ronald Brandt
Chris Buechler
Don Collier
Dick Dangel
Bill DePuy
Ernie Doyle
Donald Farrow
Drew Fuller
Gerry Fuller
Robert Greenwood
Jim Hill
Bertel Johnson
Ralph Johnson
Douglas Jones
Joseph Keady
Virgil Kempton
John Knueven
Wesley Kriebel
Bruce Lauther
James Lucey
Peppino Lynas
Louis Manfre
Sam McFarland
Tom Meier
Lewell Nemir
Howard Nestlerode
John Oberlin
Daniel Patton
Richard Pomerleau
David Reyno
Richard Ries
Robert Rouleau
Albert Sanford
Daniel Sobrio
John Thompson
David Weaver
Daniel Williams
Jack Worrow
There are 41 total members affiliated with this chorus.