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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society
Chorus Listing
Fairfax Jubilaires
(Mixed / All Voices)
Fairfax, VA
Southern Division
No Officers for this Chorus
Chorus Members
James Barrett
Peter Baum
John (Sr.) Bilyeu
Dale Bird
Dennis Bley
jerry branson
J Collier
Kevin Deasy
Ernie Doyle
Jeffrey Druessel
Nezih Durusu
David Ehst
Frank Fedarko
John Feist
R. Douglas First
Drew Fuller
Fred Geldon
Gerald Grimes
Clarence Holokai
Michael Ignacio
Steven Jarowski
Bertel Johnson
Don Johnson, Jr.
Douglas Jones
Kenneth Jones
Joseph Keady
Franklin Kist
John Knueven
Wesley Kriebel
Raymond LaTurno
Alexander Laufer
Richard Lewellen
Adrian Li
Geoffrey Lunt
Robert Magsipoc
William McDonald
Sam McFarland
Philip Merkel
George Molessa
Randy Moller
John Oberlin
Satoko Odagawa
Louis Pizzarello
Reilly Radzville
Matthew Reklau
Randall Rogers
Robert Ruckle, Jr.
Jeffrey Salino
Clifford Shoemaker
Richard Smull
John Terrill
Christopher Torres
Patrick Varre
Aaron Watts
David Whitney
Robert Winer
Thomas Zheng
There are 57 total members affiliated with this chorus.