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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society
Chorus Listing
Vocal Synergy
(Mixed / All Voices)
Hunterdon County, NJ
Northern Division
No Officers for this Chorus
Chorus Members
Deborah Anderson
Vincent Anderson
Jennifer Baratta
Arminda Barbone
Anna Barrett
Margaret Baumann
Robin Brock
Kenneth Bryson
Christina Carswell
Marie-Hélène Chabut
Alex Corson
Christopher Cutler
Stephanie Diaz
Jean Garrett
Richard Goldstein
Randi Goodstein
Robert Hixson
Christian Hunter
Tracey Hunter
Susan Jamieson
Olga Junio
Stephanie Klopfer
Owen LaChance
Michael Mahoney
Hillary Morano
Suzanne Munning
Carmen Olivo
Karena Paleologo
Cristina Patrao
Margaret Phillips
Richard Prestholdt
Judy Robinson
H. Charles Ross
Shannan Seely
Bob Seymour
Steve Skolnick
Jennifer Slotterback
Lauren Smith
Barbara Soifer
Maria Terranova-Evans
Ronald Todd
Marja van Ouwerkerk
Sally Walker
Jonathan Wall
Alun Williams
Ed Winnick
There are 46 total members affiliated with this chorus.