2000 District Quartet Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Douglas (Doug) Brown

View DELA Bio for Doug
Professionally, Doug is Chairman/CEO of Paradigm Associates LLC, a strategic and executive development consulting firm with people in multiple states and a global practice. Paradigm's practice includes for-profit, NGOs and governmental entities.

Doug joined the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) in 1983 and was elected into DELASUSQUEHUDMAC, the M-AD Barbershop Honorary Chapter in 2005. In 2014, he was thrilled to be was elected to the Barbershop Harmony Society's Board of Directors to serve a 2 year term, and was also inducted into the M-AD HALL OF HONOR. In 2016 & 17, Doug was elected as a Board Member-at Large of the Mid-Atlantic District, and oversaw a project to gather data on revamping District conventions.

Additional background

As of January 1, 2020, Doug is Membership VP of the Hell's Kitchen, NY (Voices of Gotham) Chapter, and is also President of the Atlantic Harmony Brigade (AHB), where he has been serving in that capacity since 2016. On Monday nights, he is coaching the musical development of two other barbershop chapters in northern NJ.

In 2013, Doug was elected President of Voices of Gotham (VoG). During his administration, the Chapter became M-AD District Champs for 2014 for the first time.

Prior to joining the Voices of Gotham, he was elected President of the Rahway Valley, NJ Chapter four times. He has also served as Membership VP, Show Chairman, Section Leader, Music & Performance VP, Asst Director & Musical Director.

He has sung tenor and lead in chapter quartets for more than 25 years and was trained as a certified Standing Ovation Evaluator for the Mid-Atlantic District of the BHS. From 1995 until 2000, Doug served the BHS as Chairman of the Leadership Task Force. He served at the pleasure of four different International Presidents, trained District Presidents, Chapter Presidents and Boards across the US and Canada, and served on the Society's three person Board Education Committee for two years.

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