1986 International Chorus Champions
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Mid-Atlantic District
The largest district in the Barbershop Harmony Society


Michael Challman

Fairly new to Barbershop (2018) but learning tons and loving it.

Grew up in NY in a musical (instrumental) family - I played violin, clarinet, and sax..... my siblings played piano, bassoon, trumpet, cello, and percussion. Began singing while attending the USAF Academy (because there was no place for my instruments in the Drum & Bugle Corps), and was a member of the Cadet Chorale and the Catholic Cadet Choir. In the years since, continued to sing in church choirs and as a cantor before stumbling upon the North Pennsmen (Lansdale, PA) in mid-2018. Joined the Element quartet, as Lead, in late-2018; reformed in 2022 as a mixed quartet. Joined Opus 4 (senior quartet) in 2020. Continue to sing and compete with both quartets.

So much still to learn, and so much musical growth yet to achieve... but such a blessing in my life!

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